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Brussels - Sun 12:53 AM
Local Time : Sun 12:53 AM
Belgium, officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal monarchy in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters as well as those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.[nb 1] Belgium covers an area of 30,528 square kilometres (11,787 sq mi), and it has a population of about 11 million people.
Did you know ?
  • There are over 800 kinds of beers made in Belgium.
  • Belgians consume in average 150 liters of beer per person per year.
  • The world's first beer academy opened in Herk-de-Stad, in the Belgian province of Limburg, in 1999.
  • Jean Neuhaus invented the pralines chocolate in Brussels in 1912.
  • Belgium produces 220,000 tonnes of chocolate per year. This amounts to 22 kg of chocolate per inhabitant annually, i.e. 61 grammes per day in average.
  • The world's biggest chocolate selling point is Brussels National Airport.
  • Belgians claim to have invented chips (French fries), and indeed about all towns and villages have their own friterie/frituur (chips seller).
  • There are 3 main sorts of Belgian waffles : Liege waffles (the most common), Brussels waffles (bigger, lighter, rectangular, and eaten with toppings such as strawberries or ice cream), and galettes (thinner, softer, and typically eaten for breakfast, sometimes with jam - nothing to do with French galettes from Little Brittany, which are a kind of pancake).
  • Belgium is renowned for its bakeries. Local specialities include cramique (bread cooked with egg yolks and raisins), cougnou (a speciality from Wallonia eaten mostly in winter), gozettes (turnovers) and tarts. The most typical tarts are cherry tart, plum tart, apple tart, sugar tart, and especially rice tart (originally from Verviers, near Liege).
  • Belgium has one of the lowest proportion of McDonald's restaurants per inhabitant in the developed world, with only 0.062 per 10,000 people, or 7x less than the USA, 4x less than Japan, and twice less than France or Germany.
Facts & Figures
Largest City
Official Language(s)
11,198,638 (World Rank: 75)
30,528 km2 (140 Largest)
Currency Code
Time Zone
Intl. Calling Code
ISO Code
Internet TLD

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